Video: Cichlid Pool 2012

This time we shoved the Repashy into a hole in the rock. The crowd goes wild!

Our pond is up and stocked with a whack of critters from Lakes Malawi and Victoria, including Pseudotropheus acei, Ps. flavus, Ps. saulosi, Ps. lombardoi, Astatotilapia latisfaciata, Paralabidochromis sauvagei, and Labidochromis caeruleus. The algae bloom we had earlier in the spring is dying off with the addition of a UV sterilizer (that’s all the floaty stuff you see in the video). Toward the end of the video is a hand-feeding of Repashy Superfood… the fish LOVE it!

Cichlid Pool 2012

Video: Ptychochromis grandidieri

Ptychochromis grandidieri ‘East Coast Gold’ (Sauvage 1882)
This fish is found near the eastern coast of Madagascar, often in brackish water. Mature specimens often show gold coloration, which gives the fish its name.

Ptychochromis grandidieri

Video Additions!

Haplochromis sp. ‘flavenentis’

Haplochromis cyaneus

Haplochromis sp. ‘blue obliquidens’

Pundamilia igneopinnis

Yssichromis piceatus

Yssichromis pyrrhocephalus

Neochromis greenwoodi

Alcolapia alcalicus

Crenichthys baileyi baileyi (a little goodeid from the USA – neither cichlid nor African, but very cool nonetheless)

Video: Synodontis multipunctatus

Been trying out the new Repashy foods. All my fish love it and this clip shows the multis going after chunk of the shrimp souffle. This seems to be great stuff. Time will tell how the fish respond long term but this is a great start.

Video: Neochromis greenwoodi

This male Neochromis greenwoodi was trying to spawn with anything he could tonight. There are a couple ripe females in his harem so it is a safe bet there will be a mouth full of eggs very soon.

Neochromis greenwoodi Mwanza


New Videos!

We’ve recently added some videos (listed below) to our YouTube channel. Please be sure to subscribe 🙂

For a complete list of all our videos, visit our Videos page on!

And now on to the new videos!

Oreochromis esculentus

Haplochromis sp. ‘Kenya gold’

Xystichromis sp. ‘Kyoga flameback’

Thoracochromis brauschi

Amatitlania nigrofasciata (Convict Cichlid)… and also Green Swordtails!

Synodontis granulosus

Thoracochromis brauschi